Secret Ingredient
Secret Ingredient

Secret Ingredient (2020)

Original Title: “Исцелител“

Vele can’t afford to buy the expensive medications for his father who has cancer. Desperate, he steals marijuana from some criminals, makes a cake with it and gives it to his father, hoping it will reduce his pain. His father’s health miraculously improves, but Vele is suddenly confronted by neighbors who demand the recipe for the “remedial” cake and by the criminals who want their drugs back.

Source: TMDb

1 hour 44 minutes
9 wins & 25 nominations
Original Language:
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How to watch Secret Ingredient from the United States


Currently, you can only stream Secret Ingredient on Prime + Hallmak movies now in the the United States.

You can buy or rent Secret Ingredient on the following streaming services in the the United States: Vudu, iTunes, Amazon and Google Play.

Secret Ingredient was released 4 years ago in 2020.

No, is not available on Netflix in the United States. But is available on these providers in the United States: Prime + Hallmak movies now.
No, is not available on Amazon Prime Video in the United States. But is available on these providers in the United States: Prime + Hallmak movies now.


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