Here Comes Mr. Jordan
Here Comes Mr. Jordan

Here Comes Mr. Jordan (1941)

Original Title: “Here Comes Mr. Jordan“

Boxer Joe Pendleton, flying to his next fight, crashes...because a Heavenly Messenger, new on the job, snatched Joe's spirit prematurely from his body. Before the matter can be rectified, Joe's body is cremated; so the celestial Mr. Jordan grants him the use of the body of wealthy Bruce Farnsworth, who's just been murdered by his wife. Joe tries to remake Farnsworth's unworthy life in his own clean-cut image, but then falls in love; and what about that murderous wife?

Source: TMDb

1 hour 34 minutes
Won 2 Oscars. 5 wins & 6 nominations total
Original Language:
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How to watch Here Comes Mr. Jordan from the United States

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Updated: 5/5/2024


Currently, you can only stream Here Comes Mr. Jordan on Fubo in the the United States.

You can buy or rent Here Comes Mr. Jordan on the following streaming services in the the United States: Amazon, Vudu, iTunes and Google Play.

Here Comes Mr. Jordan was released 83 years ago in 1941.

No, is not available on Netflix in the United States. But is available on these providers in the United States: Fubo.
No, is not available on Amazon Prime Video in the United States. But is available on these providers in the United States: Fubo.


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