Surprise Me!
Surprise Me!

Surprise Me! (2019)

Original Title: “Surprise Me!“

What if pain was merely a set up for the ultimate surprise party? Genie Burns, owner of Surprise Enterprise, masterminds off the wall surprise parties in nobody would-suspect-it locations. Here she takes crazy risks but in her love life, she plays it safe. Her partner Steven, who hilariously calls her out on every issue she owns, is gay which makes him safe. Danny, her friend from college would be perfect for her but she keeps him in the friend zone. Along comes Jeff, everything she avoids, but his charm and depth draw her in. Is he the right one because he challenges her fears, or the wrong one because he implodes them?

Source: TMDb

1 hour 43 minutes
Not Rated
1 nomination
Original Language:
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How to watch Surprise Me! from the United Kingdom

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Updated: 08/05/2024
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Updated: 08/05/2024


Unfortunately, Surprise Me! is not available in the UK on any of the streaming services.

You can buy or rent Surprise Me! on the following streaming services in the UK: Sky Store, iTunes and Amazon.

Surprise Me! was released 5 years ago in 2019.

No, is not available on Netflix in in the United Kingdom.
No, is not available on Amazon Prime Video in in the United Kingdom.


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