Haunters: The Art of the Scare
Haunters: The Art of the Scare

Haunters: The Art of the Scare (2017)

Original Title: “Haunters: The Art of the Scare“

HAUNTERS is a heart-warming and heart-stopping documentary about people who sacrifice everything to create the most popular and polarizing haunted houses for Halloween - from boo-scare mazes to a controversial new subculture of extreme terror experiences.

Source: TMDb

1 hour 28 minutes
Not Rated
Original Language:
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How to watch Haunters: The Art of the Scare from the United Kingdom


Currently, you can only stream Haunters: The Art of the Scare on Prime + Fandor in the UK.

You can buy or rent Haunters: The Art of the Scare on the following streaming services in the UK: Amazon, iTunes, Google Play and Microsoft.

Haunters: The Art of the Scare was released 7 years ago in 2017.

No, is not available on Netflix in the United Kingdom. But is available on these providers in the United Kingdom: Prime + Fandor.
No, is not available on Amazon Prime Video in in the United Kingdom. But is available on these providers in the United Kingdom: Prime + Fandor.


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